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btmon on Lubuntu installation difficulties

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2015 9:12 pm
by sub3marathonman
I have decided to try to use emoncms with Lubuntu (15.10). I thought it would be relatively straightforward, as I previously have gotten emoncms working with Windows 8.

Things went fairly straightforward, following the emoncms installation instructions ...
and watching the two youtube videos from Chris Walker for Ubuntu 12.04 (a bit outdated)
and Ubuntu 14.04

I got things installed fine, and even was able to sign in to emoncms on localhost, which is how I was setting it up.

However, getting Python 2.7.10 and the working correctly has proven difficult.

I got Python 2.7 installed fine, and from researching on the github website that mwall just set up
I also installed the python-mysqldb add-on.

I got the 3.1.1 saved, had a bit of confusion trying to run instead of just btmon, but I did get it working with the btmon -h command to see the help guide. I copied the btmon config.cfg file I had set up and working with the Windows 8 installation. I also copied the file and saved that too in the same directory.

I then did what seemed to be the logical step which was to do the command "btmon -c config.cfg" which was just the slight variation from the Windows 8 command " -c config.cfg" which was working fine.

Now, what is interesting is the error states that the -c is an "invalid option," and it does not show up in the help guide. I don't know why it was necessary, or how I even found out it was necessary, but somehow I used the -c option with the Windows 8 version.

I've tried it without the -c option, and get the error "Invalid command line parameters."

I'm also not sure about the config.cfg file being correct with the Lubuntu 15.10, but it seems I cant test that file until I get past the -c option problem.

As a bit of further research, I have changed the command to "python ./" and it does run the btmon script. However, adding the config.cfg in the command doesn't seem to have any effect on the btmon values.

With more attempts, I now have the command "python ./ -h" which does show the -c option, and have run the command "python ./ -c ./config.cfg" which does seem to have some effect, but then I get the error "unknown parameter in config file: Values instance has no attribute 'reverse_polarity'"

So any help will be greatly appreciated.

Re: btmon on Lubuntu installation difficulties

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2015 10:37 pm
by sjthespian
If it helps, here is the init script I use on my Ubuntu box. It gets installed in /etc/init.d/btmon. It is a slightly modified version of the one that comes with the mtools package ( The easiest way to install btmon and the related tools is by using the packages.

Code: Select all


# Provides:		btmon
# Required-Start:	$syslog
# Required-Stop:	$syslog
# Should-Start:		$local_fs
# Should-Stop:		$local_fs
# Default-Start:	2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop:		0 1 6
# Short-Description:	Starts btmon
# Description:		btmon collects data from brultech energy monitor


set -e

case "$1" in
    echo -n "Starting btmon:"
    $APP --config-file=$CONFIG >> $LOGFILE 2>&1 &
    echo $pid > $PIDFILE

    echo -n "Shutting down btmon:"
    if [ -f $PIDFILE ]; then
        kill `cat $PIDFILE`
        rm $PIDFILE
    echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop}" >&2
    exit 1

exit 0

Re: btmon on Lubuntu installation difficulties

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2015 10:50 pm
by sub3marathonman
sjthespian wrote:The easiest way to install btmon and the related tools is by using the packages.
Thank you for the help.

One problem is that I'm such a newbie that I'm not sure what or how you "use the packages" to install btmon. :oops: I also don't understand what the mtools package on launchpad does or how it relates to btmon.

And I thought I had done the installation properly, as I can get btmon to do something, but I'm now stuck on the config.cfg aspect. And it does seem that some of the parameters from the Windows 8 config.cfg file don't have documentation in the -h guide. Also, it seems the parameters are now with a hyphen instead of an underscore, so I'm not sure if my old method will still work or if I have to change it to the hyphen.

Re: btmon on Lubuntu installation difficulties

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2015 11:40 pm
by sjthespian
Argh, ignore my comment about the package, that's not the right package.

I grabbed the full mtools tarball from github, you can get the most recent version from

Here's an example of my config file (with the hostnames changed to, I'm running my GEM in server mode as I couldn't get client mode working properly. The OEM block is what feeds the output to emoncms.

Code: Select all

device_type = gem

serial_read = false
serial_port = COM1

ip_read = true

ip_host =
ip_port = 8000
ip_mode = client
ip_poll_interval = 10
reverse_polarity = true

mysql_read = false

sqlite_read = false

mysql_out = false

sqlite_out = false

rrd_out = false

wattzon_out = false

plotwatt_out = false

# enersave is deprecated - use bidgely instead
enersave_out = false
es_token = 

bidgely_out = false
by_url =

peoplepower_out = false

# the seg map is optional.  if not specified, every channel will be uploaded.
smartenergygroups_out = false

thingspeak_out = false
ts_tokens =
ts_fields =

pachube_out = false
pbe_token = 
pbe_feed =

oem_out = true
oem_url = http://localhost/emoncms/input/post
oem_token = xxxxxxx
oem_node = 1

Re: btmon on Lubuntu installation difficulties

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2015 11:57 pm
by sub3marathonman
sjthespian wrote:
Here's an example of my config file (with the hostnames changed to, I'm running my GEM in server mode as I couldn't get client mode working properly. The OEM block is what feeds the output to emoncms.
Your help is greatly appreciated!

One interesting thing I immediately see is that you're doing reverse_polarity, which is at least one of the apparent problems with my attempts. I was thinking that maybe that parameter had been eliminated at some point.

I'll have to study this tomorrow.

Thanks again.